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10 Ways to Create a Great Ecommerce Customer Experience

by Team goCx | Updated On: June 27, 2024

Is your online store turning buyers into frustrated clickers? One of the biggest reasons for this is providing a disappointing ecommerce customer experience.

Imagine you are browsing online to buy a new pair of shoes. You find a website with a great selection, but the site has long load times, the search function is disorganized, and product images or descriptions are unclear. Because of all these unsatisfactory things, you feel frustrated and don’t buy the shoes.

Similarly, providing a satisfactory customer experience is important for your business growth.

In this blog post, you will get to know about 10 ways to create a great ecommerce CX.

Table of Contents:

  1. What is an Ecommerce Customer Experience?
  2. Why is it Important to Measure Ecommerce Customer Experience?
  3. 10 Ways to Create a Great Ecommerce CX

What is an Ecommerce Customer Experience?

Ecommerce customer experience encompasses a customer’s entire journey when interacting with your site, from browsing products to purchasing and receiving after-sales support. This includes customer interactions at every touchpoint before, during, and after they visit your online store.

Customer experience includes customers’ perceptions and emotions throughout their online shopping journey, from the moment they discover your site until they receive their order.

Why is it Important to Measure Ecommerce Customer Experience?

1. Boosts Conversions

  • A positive CX makes customers happy, which makes them spend more, and they are more likely to become loyal customers.
  • By measuring CX, collecting or analyzing feedback, and removing obstacles in the buying process, you can make it easier for customers to convert, leading to a significant boost in conversions.

2. Improve Customer Retention

  • Measuring customer experience (CX) gives valuable insight into how your customers interact with your agents around concerns about a particular product. Identifying strengths and weaknesses in these interactions enables you to make improvements.
  • Improving in these key areas increases the likelihood that customers will continue purchasing from you, which increases customer retention.

3. Reduces Cart Abandonment

  • Many online shoppers abandon carts due to disappointing experiences online.
  • Measuring CX helps you to identify buyer pain points and streamline the purchasing journey. Improving customer purchasing processes and website navigation can reduce abandoned carts and increase sales.

4. Increases Customer Satisfaction

  • You significantly improve your website by constantly measuring the shopping experience and adjusting customer feedback. Simplifying website navigation and resolving problems efficiently directly increases customer satisfaction and loyalty.

10 Ways to Create a Great Ecommerce CX 

1. An Advanced and Intuitive UX

Focusing on the UX and design of your site is essential. It includes three areas-

  • Streamline the Navigation: You ensure that the structure of your site is simple so that customers can easily navigate through your site. This includes categorizing your product catalog and related product pages and making all parts of your site easy to access.
  • Optimize Website Speed: You ensure that your site’s load time is low so that customers do not have trouble searching. You can use plugins and browser caching to reduce the load time of your website, which reduces the bounce rate on the website.
  • Mobile Optimization: Your site needs to be mobile optimized. Providing seamless reading across different screen sizes will ensure you read no matter what device you use. This includes optimizing touch interactions and making forms easier to fill out on mobile devices.

2. Quality Product Images and Description

Provide high-resolution images on detailed descriptions on pages, including zoom-in functionality and 360-degree views.

With quality product images and description pages, you can connect with your customers emotionally. This strikes a balance between providing your potential customers with all the information they want about the product.

3. Personalized Shopping Experience

Personalization focuses on providing tailored content and promotions to individual customers throughout the customer experience journey based on their individual actions and circumstances.

Implement machine learning algorithms to analyze browsing and purchase history to offer personalized product recommendations and content.

4. Simplify the Checkout Process

The checkout process for an ecommerce platform needs to be simple. Reduce the number of steps customers need to complete their purchase, provide guest checkout options, and display progress indicators.

Simplifying this process directly increases conversion rates and leads to higher abandonment rates.

5. Reliable Customer Service

Ensure that your customer service is accessible, with multiple channels available for customer support—including phone, email, live chat, and social media.

Consider using AI-powered chatbots to provide instant answers to common queries, freeing up human agents for more complex issues.

6. Multiple Payment Options

You provide different payment options to customers in your online store and allow each customer to use those options.

Apart from credit and debit cards, it also provides options like UPI, Google Wallet, and PayPal. Apart from this, you can also provide cash on delivery to the customers.

You focus on getting the right product to the right customer without delay. Along with this, you can also offer a free shipping and return policy.

7. Offer Coupons, Discounts, and Surprises

Give your customers coupons, discounts, and great offers to encourage purchases. Offering coupons, discounts, and surprises on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter is a great way to promote your brand, as they are great for engaging customers and increasing visibility.

You can strategically place these deals during checkout or in prominent website sections. By offering these incentives, you increase sales and engagement and significantly increase your profits.

8. Enhance Security Measures

You ensure that customer data is not breached and are responsible for keeping your customers’ personal and financial information secure.

Prominently display disclaimers, policies, and safety badges on your site to let customers know they are safe, further inspiring trust in your brand and store.

Additionally, you should use SSL certificates to secure data transfers and employ strong encryption methods for stored data.

9. Request and Act on Customer Feedback

You should take feedback from your customers so that you get accurate information about your product and their experience. You can gather feedback regularly through surveys, email follow-ups, and product reviews.

Analyze the feedback and areas for improvement and act on it. This increases purchases of the product and shows customers their opinion is valued.

10. Create a Community

Build a community of engaged, loyal, and successful customers to grow your online business. Loyal customers provide genuine feedback about your products and serve as staunch advocates for your business.

Having the support of loyal customers can encourage people to buy your products and join the community.

So, you need to create a larger group that will represent and help your brand to expand.

To Sum it Up

No business can grow without happy customers!

While the growth of ecommerce sales is increasing, it is also important to focus on ecommerce customer experience to grow the business.

By adopting these 10 ways above, you can create a seamless shopping journey that keeps customers happy, increases loyalty, and ultimately increases your revenue. So, make every click a journey towards satisfaction.

Team goCx